Racing Season - Winter 2012

Winter race karting in Rezh, Russia - December 16, 2012
Was - 25 ° C (-13 ° F). Won first place in class "Rocket 120" race was excellent



Race in Shadrinsk. Was cold -29 degrees below zero. Ranked 4th out of 16 participants due to untuned car. I was driving to class Raket 120.


Race in Dir 1/22/12. I went to class Raket 120. 1st place out of 7 members.


Race in Korkino 19/02/12. I went to class Raket 120. 2nd place out of 13 participants.


The race in city of Rezh. Unfortunately broke down and not reached to the finish. It was a lot of snow and the temperature was 32 ​​degrees below zero Celsius.

Race in Polevskoy 02/23/12. He rode in a class Raket 120. Ranked 4th out of 9 members.

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